Hiring and Recruitment

Every HRMS can be customized according to your hiring policy. You can enter the criteria of hiring and the AI system will accept the resumes accordingly. The system will also keep an eye on the employees’ progress. This software will show candidates profile in an easy-to-read template
Employee’s Portal

In this part of their hr and payroll software, the HR manager can see all the employee’s data like:
Joining date, Salary details, Work progress, Banking details, Home address, and Over time.
There is more but these are the basic that all systems show. You can add more detail components as well.

This feature makes sure that each staff / employee is paid according to their days of work. This feature also keeps an eye on yearly increment and also shows if there are any pending dues that are needed to be paid. The HR manager will be able to see if there are any bonuses that need to be given. This results in:
- Fast and easy access
- No need to stress your eyes on rows and columns
- Deductions done automatically

HRMS software helps in reducing the need of maintaining large attendance and it take ages to calculate the number of working days of an employee. But HRMS software saves the day as you can also get the following benefits:
- Track the time of employee
- See absent number of days
This helps in the payroll figuring out what will be the payout of the employee.

This is one of the most viable features of this system. It allows the HR manager to send notifications and memos to all the employees with a single click. It also helps employees to respond and the response is directly seen by the CEOs and senior managers. It also helps them in filing a complaint or give feedback.
Evaluate Performance

Hiring is easy but firing cannot be done by the faint-hearted. That is why HRMS software will let the employees know if they have any red flags and the well-performers will know that they are up for a promotion. This allows the HR manager to be more productive in other tasks.
Data Management & Analytics

Managing data becomes super easy with HRMS software, you will get the following data sorted within minutes:
- Document sharing
- All kinds of files
- Messages
- Images
- Emails
- Reports
- Employee monitoring
Administrating Employee’s Benefit

HRMS software not only benefits the HR manager and the CEOs but it is also beneficial for employees in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and the Middle East.
Like they have mentioned before, it shows which employee is performing better and which one deserves a reward. It also shows when it is the time for employee training and it automatically shows the yearly raise of employees.

Since the employees will be giving continuous feedback about work and reporting complaints or issues, the company will have a better idea to make improvements. This is also capable for employees; the HR manager can directly notify the mistakes of the employees and they can resolve it over the system.